THE GRANGE GAZETTE JANUARY 2022 EDITION Should auld acquaintance be forgot And never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot And days of auld lang syne? For auld lang syne, my dear For auld lang syne We’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet For days of auld lang syne The Grange wishes you all a very Happy New Year in the hope you will have many blessings in the year to come Have-a-Go Crafte... read more
THE GRANGE GAZETTE December 2021 Edition Seasons Greetings and best wishes for Christmas and the New Year to everyone at the Grange THE ELDERBERRIES CHRISTMAS CONCERT We look forward to the pleasure of your company from 1.45pm on Wednesday 15th December when our singing group will perform their Christmas Concert in the dining room; accompanied by Peter on harmonica and PJ on guitar. We hope you wi... read more
THE GRANGE GAZETTE NOVEMBER 2021 EDITION  Our singing group, ‘The Elderberries,’ played their first concert last month and received a warm welcome from residents and staff.  The Elderberries are now practicing for their Christmas Concert and would love new members to join them every Wednesday afternoon in the dining room.  We look forward to seeing you.  ... read more
The Grange has successfully received an excellent Fire Safety Audit report after our recent inspection by the Derbyshire Fire Service ... read more
GRANGE GAZETTE OCTOBER 2021 EDITION  We are proud to announce  WEDNESDAY 27TH OCTOBER THE ELDERBERRIES  will perform their first concert from 2pm. Please take a seat in the dining room after lunch and the resident’s singing group will entertain you all.      A huge thank you to Peter for entertaining everyone during the Wild West singalong. ... read more
GRANGE GAZETTE SEPTEMBER 2021 EDITION  YouTube Live & Local LivingRoom Earlier in the year we began a project supported by Live & Local LivingRoom and worked alongside Laura Brodrick, a graphic and creative facilitator. Residents enjoyed sharing memories and stories about their lives which were captured in illustrations by Laura and together we created personalised ‘timelinesâ... read more
Grange Gazette August Edition 2021  Our July ‘Armchair Holiday’ to Hawaii was a great success and we look forward to enjoying another adventure in September. Next time we are holidaying in the USA and will be visiting the Wild West! Remember to pack your cowboy hat so we can enjoy fun and games with a good old singalong and a taste of Texas from the kitchen! Details will be ... read more
GRANGE GAZETTE JULY EDITION 2021 We welcome the month of July with a big ALOHA as we prepare for a trip to the beautiful island of Hawaii and enjoy another Armchair Travel Event. We are looking forward to the sights and sounds of the island including games, hula-style movement to music and crafts; while the kitchen will also provide a taste of the island. Don’t worry if you forget to pack ... read more
GRANGE GAZETTE JUNE 2021 EDITION  Our many thanks to the residents and families who contributed to the Live and Local Project which our graphic artist Laura Brodrick titled ‘Sharing my Story’.  The display board is available for everyone to enjoy and the project will continue to evolve and develop over time. Those residents who have already taken part have their own decorate... read more
May Edition 2021 Do you remember back in childhood How we loved the first of May, When we hung flower-filled baskets on doorknobs, then ran away? Do you remember how the sweetest basket Was for the one we loved the best, And in it went the blossoms that were fairer than the rest? Such a beautiful and gracious custom Somehow lost along the way But the memories still linger as ... read more