We would like to invite residents, family, friends and staff to The Grange on Saturday 12th September. Long Eaton Silver Prize Band will be entertaining everyone from 2- 3.30pm. There will be light refreshments Tombola, Tabletop sale with all proceeds towards the residents fund.

September is a busy month with new entertainment, different activities and a special occasion on the 9th when Alice celebrates her 100th birthday.

9th September The Grange gardens will be decorated with sewn and knitted items by a group of local ladies who aim to bring a smile, happiness and fun wherever they go.

23rd September Sue will be visiting The Grange with her 'Tea Dance' and has asked for some of your favourite dance music. Please see Shirley with your requests.

Dates for your diary

1st September Sandiacre Churches Together 10.30am. Sawley Flower Festival minibus leaves at 10am

9th September 'Craft- bombing'in the garden during the morning. Vintage Mark entertainment in the dining room from 2pm.

10th September Prize bingo at Risley Village Hall. Minibus leaving 10am.

12th September Long Eaton Silver Prize Band from 2pm.

23rd Tea Dance from 2pm. Monday 28th church service in the lounge from 2pm.

29th Age UK visit with gentle exercise to music in the dining room from 10.30am. We are also going to be holding a fund raising event for Macmillan, date to be advised. Birthdays this month Alice 9th and Graham 15th. Best wishes to you both.

Staff training this month- falls and dehydration, moving and handling and person- centred care.

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