We have an exciting display of the residents art work at The Smoothie Coffee Bar and Gallery, Bath Street Ilkeston. All art work has been created by the residents at The Grange and is entitled 'With these hands', the display combines art and reminisence activities. The display will be shown 1st -14th June 2015.
Tuesday 2nd June; Sandiacre Churches Together 10.15am in the lounge.
Wednesday 3rd June; An exhibition of Line Dancing with Sue from 2pm
Friday 5th June; Card Craft with Pat from 2pm
Monday 8th June; Jim Turner will be entertaining us on the keyboard from 2pm
Tuesday 9th June; Age UK will be visiting from 10.30 with a session of light exercises
Thursday 11th June; Trip to Risley Village Hall for Prize Bingo- the minibus leaves The Grange at 10am
Friday 12th June; Visit from Erewash Museum. Debbie Mills will be collecting 'Oral Histories' from 10.30am
Wednesday 17th June; singing and entertainment- Alan Hill will be entertaining in the main lounge from 2pm.
Please remember our SUMMER FAYRE SATURDAY 20TH JUNE 2-4PM- all donations for the raffle and tombola will be gratefully recieved, we hope to see you all there!!!
Monday 29th June; Visit from Sally Trigg and the Baptist Church- service at 2pm
Wednesday 1st July, visit from 'WAVE' with their film archieves 'Its all at the Co-op' 1930s film showing life during 30's and the Long Eaton Emporium- from 10.30am
We welcome Caroline into her new role as Regisitered Manager at The Grange.