It may be winter outside but we hope the entertainment we have during February will bring a little bit of sunshine as we chase away the dark skies and dreary rain with visits from your favourite performers.

We have also taken delivery of a Karaoke machine.  It has lots of buttons and flashing lights and a huge instruction booklet so it may take a little while to perfect everything but we have already held one successful singalong and look forward to many more.  Please don’t be shy! We invite family, friends, staff and residents to take a turn at the microphone.

We also welcome everyone to our gentle exercise class which is held on a Tuesday and Friday in the dining room after morning refreshments.  We are currently including gentle Qigong movements which are very popular with the class.  Shirley will gladly demonstrate these for you and arrange gentle exercise on a one-to-one basis if you feel a ‘class’ environment isn’t for you.

We hope you enjoyed the celebrations for Burns Night with our picture quiz, Haggis Hurling Competition and Tastes of Scotland at teatime.  We must also thank Bruce for visiting the Grange in his full regalia, for playing the bagpipes and for giving a wonderful talk to the residents and their families.  It was very much appreciated.

Finally, congratulations to Jessie on becoming the Grange Haggis Hurling Champion for 2018 after hurling her haggis an amazing 18 feet.  Well done Jessie!

(no haggis were harmed during this event because Shirley had made our haggis from material and polyester toy filling!)


Shirley would be grateful for donations of baby wool.  Our residents continue to knit babywear for local Neo-natal units and your donations would help both the Grange and the tiny babies in their care.  Thank you.


New Year Quiz Results

Thank you to all those who took part in our recent quiz. This month we congratulate Terry on achieving top marks.  Well done Terry!


February Birthdays

This month we celebrate the birthdays of Kathleen Wiltshire of the 4th of February and Freda Annable on the 13th.   Everyone at the Grange send their best wishes to you both and hope your birthdays bring every happiness.


Staff News

During February we welcome Leah Groom and Louise Pearce to the Care Team and Bethany Skelton to the Kitchen Team.  We hope you will be very happy at the Grange.
















Friday 2nd WORRIZIT?!  Singalong with Brian and Kevin in the main lounge from 2pm


Tuesday 6th SANDIACRE CHURCHES TOGETHER   Church service in the main lounge from 10.15am


Wednesday 7th ALAN HILL   Alan has returned to the UK after touring on the Oceana Cruise Ship and will be singing in the main lounge from 2pm


Tuesday 13th   ALICE   Join Alice in the main lounge from 2pm for an afternoon of your favourite songs

Tuesday 20th  C.K.CODY  Join C.K. Cody in the main lounge from 2pm and listen to the gentle sounds of  Country and Western music


Friday 23rd PRIZE BINGO  we are joined by our friends from the Risley Not-so-Young Group from 2pm for an afternoon of prize bingo with refreshments and cream cakes for all.


Wednesday 28th VINTAGE MARK   By popular request we have the return of Vintage Mark to the Grange with his Old Time Music Show in the dining room from 2pm

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